EXODUS Drummer TOM HUNTING Performs for New Jersey Music Students at Master Class Clinic

EXODUS Drummer TOM HUNTING Performs for New Jersey Music Students at Master Class Clinic

Exodus Drummer

See Below for Photos from “Meetings with Masters” at New Jersey’s Old Bridge Music Center School

This past Sunday, November 30th, students at The Old Bridge Music Center School in Old Bridge, New Jersey, were treated to a special Master Class clinic with EXODUS drummer Tom Hunting. The event was part of the school’s ongoing “Meetings with Masters” series that offers young music students the chance to learn from top music industry professionals from around the world.


Highlights of the Master Class included an inside look at Hunting’s successful career, drum tips and techniques, advice to young musicians looking to have a career in the music industry, and a Q&A session. Students were then given the opportunity to play along with Hunting on a second drum set with other student musicians in a series of “Double Drum” jams to close the event, much to the delight of all in attendance.


“Wow! What an amazing day! We had such a great time and it was really inspiring to take part in the very important work that The Old Bridge Music Center School does,” states Tom Hunting. “I couldn’t be happier about how the day went. We talked a lot about touring, and the lifestyle, practice techniques, different styles of music, and pretty much every aspect of music. And the kids were so smart, extremely talented, and very engaged in the process. I left there wishing we had more time to talk and jam!